Systèmes électromécaniques spécialisés


Electromechanical specialized systems

Over the years, Voltflex Innovations acquired a strong expertise in design and manufacturing of electromechanical systems for highly specialized equipments deployed in extreme environments. Actually, the company is able to provide high-level services to a wide range of high technology applications.

The main advantage of this knowledge is to enable a single-stop complete solution, custom-made for your needs and providing outstanding reliability.

  • Wire systems
  • Electromechanical boards and dashboards
  • Probes and sensors
  • And much more…

Examples of the Voltflex Innovations’s capabilities: autonomous energy units for remote areas activities, various remote-controlled electrical utility vehicles for enclosed areas or risky works.

Plan de câblage

Premium quality

All the inner wires are GXL graded and every single connector in the parts of our systems are weatherproof

Câble Voltflex


All wire harnesses and various assemblies are custom-made to fit your precise needs. Always with the best quality craftsmanship, technologies and components

Câbles Voltflex


Voltflex Innovations wires are keeping an extreme flexibility, no matter the ambient temperature, even under -40 degrees

Prise Voltflex